Since inception, a set of guiding principles have governed our operations and have helped clarify and guide decision-making, however challenging the circumstances. Our thirteen principles reflect all the values that define us, breathing life into our credo - 'Ideas Create, Values Protect'. They ensure that each employee is guided by a common vision. As our guiding light, they have aided us in creating value for our stakeholders year after year, while steering our ambition so that we always stay true to our values.

guiding principle

We will be a Thinking Organization. We will constantly bring ‘thought’ to everything we do. Our clients’ and our own success depends on our ability to use greater ideation and more imagination in our approach.

We will be Fair to our clients, our employees and all stake-holders.

We will take care of our People. Our policies – in spirit and in letter – will ensure transparency and equal opportunity for all. We will go beyond the normal goals of attracting, recruiting, retaining and rewarding fine talent. We will ensure that every individual in Edelweiss has an opportunity to achieve their fullest potential.

We will operate as a Partnership, internally and externally. Though individuals are very often brilliant, we believe teamwork and collaboration will always ensure a better and more balanced organisation. We will also treat our clients as partners and show them the same respect and consideration that we would to our internal team members.

We will focus on the Long-Term. Though the world will change a lot in the coming years and our assumptions for the future may not hold up, we will reflect on the long-term implications of our actions. Even when making short-term decisions we will be aware of the long-term implications.

We will focus on Growth for our clients, employees and shareholders.

Our Reputation and Image is more important than any financial reward. Reputation is hard to build and even harder to rebuild. Reputation will be impacted by our ability to think for our clients, maintain confidentiality and by our adherence to our value system.

We will Obey and Comply with the rules of the land. We will maintain the highest standard of integrity and honesty. When we are unclear we will seek clarifications.

We will respect Risk. Our business is going to be a constant challenge of balancing risk and reward. Our ability to constantly keep one eye on risk will guide us through this fine balance.

We will endeavour to grow, protect, and use our Financial Capital wisely.

We are defined by the Experience our customers have with us. We will strive to make it outstanding at all times.

We will Listen to our customers. Listening is the start of the relationship wherein we understand their needs and fulfil these with the most appropriate products and solutions.

We recognise that we need to satisfy the Needs, sometimes conflicting, of all stakeholders; shareholders who entrust us with their capital, employees who create the organisation, customers who are the reason we exist and society which has given us the resources and opportunity to create value.